
Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Top Cancer Doctors

A top cancer specialists-They are a rare breed. A highly specialized field, almost like neurosurgeons who are brainsurgeons, wow.

We receive thousands of requests from patients in search of a top cancer doctor . Its tricky because we only go by "board certified" status, therefore some great doctors who specialize in one specialty may not be board certified in that particular field. Here's an example.

A doctor might be board certified in "Thoracic Surgery" yet he/she may specialize in "Lung Cancer" or "Esophageal Cancer." Where as to another doctor might be board certified in "Thoracic Surgery" he/she may specialize in "Cardiac Surgery" or Coronary Artery Surgery."

The reason we only go by "board certification" status is because doctors are constantly changing. If a doctor is board certified that particular field their status usually doesnt change for ten years. At least thats what their certification is usually for, then they go through the renewel process.

Because of such high demand and new surgical procedures being offered to patients, we are looking at fully reconstructing our best doctors database. Eventually patients will be able to search (free) according to specialization and board certification. Also, other options will be available.